
I'll miss you Along :'(

Dear Along, I really don't believe that yesterday was the last day I spent time with you. On the last day I spent time with is we played badminton together at the morning, we had breakfast together, you teach me to drive Pajero, we had a new haircut, and you take me for a walk. Along, I want you to know that I already consider you as my brother and your family is my second family. Maybe after this I'll be lonely without you because almost every time you're with me and also I want you to know that you're my the bestfriend I've ever had. I promise I'll take care of your brothers and I will treat them as you treat before. Bofore you leave, we all laughed especially myself and I said 'gelak, gelak juga weh nanti kita tengok siapa nangis dulu kat KLIA nanti'. And yah, I was the first person who crying for him when he started to leave us because I was not willing to see he go away. Before he go, I give him a hug and said 'Along, kau jaga diri elok-elok kat sana, belajar rajin-rajin, aku nak tengok kau jadi doktor bila kau balik sini dan aku akan tunggu kau' and at the same time my tears fall like rain. 

Then I texted him when he was on the plane:

Me: Nanti jangan lupa pakai baju aku tau. Baju tu paling aku sayang sekali, tapi takpelah aku bagi kau. Jaga elok-elok, aku nak kau ingat aku bila kau pakai baju aku tu. Dah sampai nanti bagi tahu aku tau. Aku akan selalu doakan kau, take care bro.

Him: Okayyy kal aku pkai jgn rsau bro :) aku tkkn lupa kau kal :) relax. Okayyy nnti aku dh smpai sne aku roger kau. Tcare kal buat elok2 SPM aku nk tgk kau score score :) kayy salam. Kirim salam smua.

It's hard to find good friends these days. But when we do, one of us must have to leave.